Monday, December 28, 2009

japan 2009

ok going on vacation made this blogging business super difficult. the fact that i was staying in hotel rooms with other people also made it hard for me to concentrate on morning model shots. i do have tons of pictures from the trip that i will put up AND i knew i wouldnt have much time to take pictures so i carefully wrote down all of the items of clothing i packed just in cases.

japan this time around was a gajillion times different and better than my trip last year. its so different traveling alone, then traveling with 8 other people. i can sum up my trip in three words: FAT FOR LYFE. everyday there was breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner, drinks and snacks, then late night food. yes...9 days and nights of drinking and eating huge meals and buying miscellaneous goodies from the convenient stores. i think 7-11 and family mart became our best friends!

it was a great great trip and the best thing is that im still on vacation for another week! i tried to make myself eat salad today but umm it was at a buffet.....

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