Monday, July 11, 2016

Sabbatical Day 64 (7.11.16) - Grocery Shopping

While going out to eat is really cheap in Seoul, we like to eat some meals at home and try to go grocery shopping to get some essentials. The first time I went to the market, I was amazed by the presentation of everything and how clean the market was. The seafood and meat sections didn't smell, all the produce was packaged nicely, etc. Now that I've been to the market a few more times, I've noticed a few things that are very interesting:

1) They actually run out of produce. I guess this means their stuff is pretty fresh, but it was so frustrating because I have been craving raw veggies and they were sold out of salad mix and cucumbers!
2) They don't have frozen vegetables. What?!?! Yes. No frozen vegetables.
3) Produce is expensive!!! 
4) Fruit is even more expensive!

Another reason I like going to the markets is to get fresh produce. I swear, the only time Koreans eat a fresh vegetable is when they make lettuce wraps with BBQ meats. Any other time, the vegetables are pickled, made into some sort of kim chi, or used as a garnish. 

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