Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sabbatical Day 58 (7.5.16) - Side projects and procrastinating

The forecast in Seoul is rain for the next week. We have stayed inside for the majority of the day so I started to work on some side projects.

The first one is a map of Seoul which tracks where we have visited and what we ate. We have floor to ceiling closets lined up on one wall of the bedroom. I put different colored post its on the closet to show where we have visited (pink) and what we have eaten (blue).

So far it doesn't look like much but I will post a photo once we've visited more places.

The second project is also using the closets which have 5 panels going vertically which I decided to make into a weekly calendar to help me organize my projects for the day (blogging, working through my Korean alphabet flashcards, etc.)

The third project is learning Korean vocabulary words. I put post its on the items in the apartment with the Korean name of each so I can learn them better. I learned this tip from a blog I read recently.

I wish it would stop raining soon so we can go out and explore more of the city. I guess I need to keep searching for tutoring clients and finish my TESOL certification too.....I'm not procrastinating I promise.

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