Monday, June 27, 2016

Sabbatical Day 50 (6.27.16) - Seoul, Day 1

We finally arrived in Seoul! I barely slept on the flight because I was having issues with the entertainment system and really wanted to watch movies. Our flight got in around 3 pm local time (which was way past my bedtime in SF). Of course we wanted to eat and explore the city a bit so we did a bit of unpacking then headed out to the street.

The area that we are staying in is where all the universities are. I am amazed by how many food and coffee shops there are-it seems like every other shop is either of those! We ended up eating a few doors down from our apartment and ordered kimbap and bibimbap. The meal was VERY cheap ($6 for the both of us). I'm so excited to eat more delicious food!

After our meal we explored the neighborhood more. We found a lot of interesting places to eat, more coffee shops, and a shopping area. Since it was just getting dark, we also saw some street vendors out. My initial observations from walking around tonight are:

1) I didn't see too many women wearing tank tops. Most had t-shirts on or were covering their shoulders. Interestingly enough, I saw a lot of women wearing long sleeves with short skirts or shorts. 

2) People walk on the street glued to their phone. Even crossing busy intersections they are looking down! 

We have a laundry list of things to take care of tomorrow. Hopefully it's not too hot-today's weather was perfect!

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