Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sabbatical Day 51 (6.28.16) - Errands

Today was our first full day in Seoul and we had a lot of errands to run. We woke up at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep and are pretty jetlagged too!

1) Get our resident cards
2) Get a Tmoney card to use on the subway
3) Open a bank account
4) Get a Sim card

What an experience. You'd think it would be easy to do any of those things but it was anything but. Unfortunately most the items required one of the others as a prereq. For example, in order to get a bank account, we need a phone number or our resident card. 

We ended up running around the city going to several different phone stores for the sim card and several banks to find out what their requirements are. We couldn't get the resident cards because they require an appointment. Funny enough, their site wasn't working and they don't do same day appointments anyway. We were able to get a Tmoney card but bought it at the first place we stopped by (our local 7-11). The worker there only had cute cards with Line and Kakao mascots. We found out later that those cards are more expensive than the plain cards. 

While we ran around doing errands, we were able to explore our area further and I took the subway for the first time!

My observations for today are that 1) the style is to wear long sleeve shirts with short shorts 2) girls here wear light brown almost red eye shadow all around their eyes and very pink lipstick. That would look NCAA on me so I'm not trying that trend anytime soon.

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