Thursday, January 20, 2011


i've been so good at not wearing the same clothing over and over again....i dont think ive repeated an outfit just yet!

tonight was one of those nights where i was pleasantly surprised by a place that i had eh first feelings about. sf fun club introduced me to scout mob which gives discounts for restaurants and boutiques FOR FREE. it seems like tons of these sites/apps are popping up lately, but that's for another day's blog! anyhow i headed to spring street natural tonight with my girlfriend hana. she chose the restaurant and at first i saw the menu and thought....oh dear...GRANOLA STATUS! i personally am not too keen on organic this, grass fed that which is why i was eh about the place at first. boy was i wrong!! don't wanna bore anyone with a "yelp" review so let's just say it was yummalicious.

btw hana and i have weekly dinner dates. we have a list which we literally refer to as THE LIST that we treat like a netflix queue. its actually quite awesome!

1 comment:

karen said...

i have a restaurant list too!!!