Saturday, November 15, 2008

siem reap salsa and phnom penh polka

my dad decided to make us go on a four day tour to cambodia. this trip reaffirmed my hatred of tours for sure. for some reason i thought there would be young foreigners on the trip. instead it was a group of 60 year old couples. can you say holler?? not only that, the tour guide yapped on and on and on about stupid shit. he even started singing at one point. then proceeded to make the rest of the members of the tour sing a song. i beautifully sang `are you sleeping` in vietnamese. (yes i can also sing that song in four other languages...amazing)

so the first day of the tour was spend in the bus. it was a long trip of 12 hours from saigon to siem reap stopping only to "di ca hat" and to eat at the predesignated tourist trap restaurants and rest stops. delightful. the term "di ca hat" literally means "to go sing".i dont know why he decided to use that term...perhaps to be polite?

the second day of the tour we got to go to ankor thom and the place where tomb raider was shot in the am. later that afternoon we headed to angkor wat. now this was the main reason that i wanted to go to cambodia and i was not disappointed. that place was bad ass. my only complaints are that it was too crowded and it was full of little kids trying to sell me shit. the places themselves were kinda falling apart but there was such great folliage in the area that the overall feel of it was very peaceful and pretty. i will be sure to upload the gazillions of pictures i have.

the third day was spent on the bus again to phnom penh. i finally found a city that i hate more than bangkok. the traffic sucks, there is no public transportation, and there is absolutely nothing to do there! in addition everyone is trying to swindle you!! they took us to casinos, some stupid shopping market, and a mall that was so crowded that i got major crowd phobia. somehow in the mall their tacky shit was selling at the same cost of american stuff. theyre crazy!

what made me the most mad about this tour was that i didnt get to see toul sleng prison and the killing fields. we instead got to hear about the cambodia king and see his palace and go to a casino. cultural? i think not.

i am so glad to be back in a first world country where i dont have to worry about bringing paper with me to the bathroom.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Gotta love those asian tour groups. AH!

Sometimes you can get quite creative when there's no toilet paper handy... ;)