i usually have a pretty sunny outlook on life, but some days i get into these moods where i think im screwed no matter what i do. i was talking to mon today about how nothing in life is ever perfect. it's either your job, relationship, or some other type of drama that always seems to make life imperfect.
my mood today makes me think of alanis morisette's song, "isnt it ironic?" and especially the line about that guy who never went on a plane and when he did, it crashed. well maybe not exactly...im thinking more along the lines of someone never ever smoking a cigarette in their life for fear of lung cancer, and then getting it. ok that sounds messed up, but you get my drift.
ive been wearing less eyeliner because im scared of pulling my skin too much and getting more wrinkles. instead, ive been wearing mascara everyday. unfortunately, two days ago i noticed that when i am opening my eyes to apply the mascara, im wrinkling my forehead and now im trying to debate with myself whether or not eye wrinkles or forehead wrinkles are worse.
my parents always used to tell me to eat my carrots to make my eyes better, and to not read under the covers with a flashlight. i said fuck it and never ate carrots and probably read all of fear street and sweet valley high series under the covers and i have 20/20 vision. maybe it would be best to fuck being afraid of what could happen and just live.
my picture today is from my outfit on friday. i actually havent worn any of the stuff this year so im proud of myself that i busted the ensemble out!
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