top: BCBG
jacket: kensie girl
pants: leggings from strawberry

in the evening i finally hit up butter lane and paradis in the east village. paradis yelpers raved that their chocolate cookies are the best. the cookies were HUGE and when you bit into them they were still slightly raw. pretty darn good but still NOT a specialty's semi sweet. ive been hearing about butter lane for a while and have been meaning to go there because you can choose the cake and frosting and they make it in front of you! i must say that they were pretty bomb and is now one of the higher ranking cupcake places in ny.
i brought the desserts over to connie's where they were having a korean pork belly party for "good foods and good friends". i ended up leaving there smelling like delicious meat and probably 5 lbs heavier because the kim chi and mushrooms were fried in the pork belly grease. the only reason i changed was because i decided to go to a bar and didnt want dogs chasing me down the street.
You look adorable, all bundled up in your hat and scarf. I really dig the hat you are wearing. Yes yes yes! Embrace it.
I know what you mean about smelling like bbq. The day after I ate Korean bbq, I went to a professor's house and his dogs attacked my purse because it still reeked of meat.
Anyone who comes into Butter Lane and mentions they saw us on your blog gets two for one cupcakes Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays through the month of February. (Limit two per day.) At the end of the month, the blogger with the most mentions wins a dozen cupcakes!
Maria Baugh
Butter Lane
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