luckily work during this time of year is pretty chill so i left a little early to do some christmas shopping. living here has definitely put me in the xmas spirit and given me cheer. walking down the street was to me reminiscent of that christmas song silver bel
ls! well, except for the "meeting smile after smile" part, maybe because i wasnt smiling at anyone at huffing past the slow ass walkers. xmas cheer, my ass!
at the end of my journey was columbus circle where i went to sephora to see if i could pull off the red lipstick. the salesperson at sephora AND one at A/X said i could. since i was rockin the red, i thought i'd try to rock a model pose too. yay or nay?

sweater: nordstrom rack
tank: xxi
pants: banana republic
HAWT. Btw there's a musical called Bells are Ringing that has a number where the main characters (the guy is Dean Martin, sigh) are waiting at a crowded crosswalk in NY surrounded by mean, grouchy-looking people. Apparently, they're all frowny, but not mean; they're just used to everyone else being so unfriendly. When Dean Martin's lady friend says hi to a fish-looking man randomly, he growls at her, but then, is like, "Did you say hello? Hello! My name is blah blah." This sparks a chain reaction in which strangers introduce themselves to each other, happy to be engaged in conversations without any ulterior motives other than being pleasant. They share peanuts, names, origins. It's lovely. Then, the crosswalk light changes, and it's like a bull run. Anyway, there's no moral to this story. I don't advocate that you try these things. I've found that they don't really work outside of the musical world. But Dean Martin's voice is sexy.
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