Friday, November 20, 2009


in middle school when we first started to have dances, no one ever really danced. the most we did was slow dance *cue flashback of dancing in circles, boy's hands on girl's waist, girl's hands on boy's shoulders. entire arm's length away*

in high school people started to dance but mainly in groups (circles, to be exact) and all i really remember was *step, clap, step clap*

when i started dating han he was super into dancing, and we would always go to clubs (18 and under ones) and raves. considering that i had so much experience dancing, i was super confident in busting a groove with him. it didnt help that the more uninhibited he was, the more inhibited and self conscious i became. it wasnt long before we didnt go dancing at all.

in college and most of post college, the only dancing i did was drunk dancing. for some reason we would always go clubbing (hitting up zebra lounge more than once a weekend....check) but i think i went mainly to drink and hang out with friends.

post college, i was introduced to and fell in love with the art of making up dances. acting a fool always had some type of name associated with it (see my first post with the reasoning behind the name of this blog).

i think it was this that caused me to realize that the reason you dance IS to act crazy, be uninhibited, and just HAVE FUN. and lately because i injured myself running, i found that having dance parties in my room at night is an awesome workout. i cant believe how much i love (LOVE) turning up my speakers and just jumping around. now all i need is a full length mirror to practice dancing like britney....


Sharon said...

Oh my god, I completely feel you on this. I think we've both discovered and appreciated dancing for what it is - blowing off steam, having fun, and being awesome! Haha.

haanaluyah said...

Practicing would defeat the purpose of it all! I'm glad you started to dance, even if I never really got the pleasure of getting crazy with you :D