Sunday, April 3, 2011

a life without smart phones

today i was in line with my friend grace at whole foods and she asked me if i would be able to go back from a regular phone to a smart phone. i told her that i think i might be thankful for it. i seriously think we are addicted to our phones. im constantly checking it and using it as a "im bored" fix. are our attention spans just getting shorter?

it also REALLY annoys me when im at dinner with people and they are always on their phones. ugh it would be so nice to just have a meal with friends and not worry about who is calling or that email or blah blah. i remember when people used to talk about blackberries and joke they were crackberries. umm...ALL SMART PHONES ARE LIKE CRACK.

cant someone write a column on social etiquette about cell phone use and cant it become taboo to use your cell at dinner? pleeeease?!!?!?

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