man, the weekend really killed me for posting! my good friend steven was visiting nyc this weekend and grace, ck and i took him to dinner on friday night. we went to this super cute french restaurant in the les and lucky for us we were the first patrons there!!! unlucky for us, several other tables got seated shortly after we arrived and when it came to ordering and receiving food, we got the last laugh. literally two other tables who got there after us finished eating before we even got our food. to make things worse, the meal was a little pricey and the food came out cold and blegh. the thing is, nyc is full of these hit or misses. there are so many restaurants that some of them have got to suck!and the most annoying part is, sucky or not, they are bank and require a wait. w.t.f.
speaking of which, i cannot rely on yelp. someone please make a menu based review site because most yelp reviews are LAME. i dont care if you had just gone to buy shampoo at the drugstore around the corner and stumbled on this gem of a restaurant with your stupid boyfriend who only likes to eat well done beef. TELL ME WHAT YOU ATE AND TELL ME HOW GOOD IT WAS. thanks!
and now for a bunch of pics from this weekend....all of me of course!
im cheating because this first pic was from august of me wearing the same outfit. its funny that im ranting about new york restaurants because when i last wore this outfit, i was headed to le bernardin. yes, that is the eric ripert restaurant with 2 michelin stars. it was also a sad sad disappointment. it was asian fusion...aka fish simmered in udon soup and very very blegh. for that much money i expected to be BLOWN AWAY. it was the most expensive meal ive gone to too! i cannot wait to go to per se and have thomas keller blow me away. please impress me!!

on saturday i was headed out to soho and thought hmmm...ill try to be a little creative today! once i got dressed i ran out to the living room and asked diane "do i look crazy??" she immediately said yes and i was gonna go change but then i thought...thats ok if i look a little crazy!!
sunday i was semi hungover. saturday night was spent drinking wine from eataly (one of my most fav places in nyc) and playing kinect. luckily i was headed over to connie's for sunday night dinner and preparing pho which was a great hangover cure! sadly my new white turtleneck (which i got for $5.99 the day before at uniqlo) got food all over it and the rest of my outfit smelled like fish sauce, but sauce is our life source!

i didnt leave the house no picture. this pic above from tuesday make me look like a choir girl...what we used to wear in middle school choir looked EXACTLY like this! NCAA (not cute at all)
sometimes i dunno why i think its ok to leave the house with my hair looking crazy. ever since i got it permed, my hair has been BIG. im afraid too big! hopefully i wont look back at my pictures and grimace the same way we grimace when we look at pictures of hair from the 90s!!
ok that was a way random bunch of thoughts and pictures. i will get better at blogging EVERYDAY now!